Get savvy with discounts in the supermarkets
Not making the use of supermarket loyalty cards or coupons can be a real missed opportunity. Martin Lewis has highlighted some great opportunities to get discounts in the supermarkets by using couponing and codes.
- While it is still possible to clip coupons out of a magazine or newspaper, there are now fewer of these coupons available. Like many things, couponing has largely gone digital and most of the savings you can bag these days will be via your phone or online. This Martin Lewis page shows you how to do couponing the right way and you can walk away with food, toiletries and more for free or a fraction of the normal cost. This guide will help you navigate this new couponing world. https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/deals/supermarket-coupons/
- If you’re new to ordering your groceries online, Martin Lewis has put together a list of delivery service codes for new customers that may be able to get you an extra discount from some of the supermarkets. You can go through each one to get a maximum discount, or just use one or two that suit you. Some are limited to specific areas and a couple are for selected customers, however it’s worth having a look to see how you might be able to save. https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/shopping/grocery-delivery-services/
Cooking at home can save you money
Cooking at home is far less expensive than dining out or ordering takeaways. With a little know how, you can make great tasting meals and save on how much you spend on food.
- Feed your family for under £5 - it can be challenging feeding the whole family with tasty and interesting meals when you're on a budget. We have sourced some recipe ideas for hearty, kid-friendly dishes that'll feed everyone for less than a fiver. Check out netmums.com/life/meals-under-5 for more.
- Batch cooking to save for the month - one of the simplest ways to approach batch cooking is to make one base recipe which can be changed into different dishes. There’s no need to eat the same thing all week – you can freeze in portions and enjoy them later. Shopping in bulk is also a proven method to save money on food, and batch cooking is a great way to take advantage of this whilst also reducing your energy bills too. To find out more visit dontwastethecrumbs.com/how-to-save-time-money-batch-cooking/
Get familiar with community savings
Savings can be found in your local community; you just need to know where to find for them. Across the country, different organisations are partnering up to help get food to where it’s needed most, whilst at the same time reducing the amount of food that gets wasted. Win – win! Below are a few sites you may not help you make some fab swaps and savings!
- Food Waste Heroes - Connect with neighbours and local business so that excess food can be shared, not thrown away through OLIO. This could be spare home grown veg or bread from your local baker. You can also volunteer as a ‘food waste hero’ too and collect food from shops and restaurants and then help distribute it in your local area. Find out more: https://olioex.com/about/#about
- Magic Bags - instead of throwing away perfectly good food at the end of the day, cafes restaurants, supermarkets and local shops offer what they have left for the fraction of the price. This is called a 'magic bag'. You can reserve a magic bag through the app and then turn up to the store at the given time to collect it. Find out more: https://toogoodtogo.co.uk/en-gb/
- Approved Food - save some money by checking out the Approved Food website. They specialise in reducing food waste and selling short-dated stock (food that is either near or just past its ‘best before’ date and always within the ‘use by’ date). Regular customers typically save around £60 on the monthly shop compared to high street prices. That's over a whopping £700 per year you too could be saving. Check them out here: https://www.approvedfood.co.uk
Get chilled with frozen food
What can we freeze? Do we need to buy everything fresh? There are many questions when it comes to freezing our food, and by making a few changes and using your freezer space wisely, you can help save you on your food and electricity costs. Find out more by visiting our useful links below.
- Make the most of your freezer by exploring the wide range of foods that you can freeze. Love Food Hate Waste shares seven foods that you can surprisingly freeze https://www.lovefoodhatewaste.com/article/seven-foods-you-never-knew-you-could-freeze
- Love Food Hate Waste has provided a great list of fresh foods you can swap for frozen. No need to worry about when that best before date comes closer anymore. Learn more about swapping fresh food for frozen in this handy guide. https://www.lovefoodhatewaste.com/article/swap-fresh-food-frozen
Get Planning
When it comes to food, you can always save a few pennies by simply becoming a little more organised when it comes to planning. Below are two great resources to not only help plan, but help you avoid waste too.
- Out of Milk - Into your smart phone apps? This one is a must. The Out of Milk app provides you with pre-made grocery list templates for all occasions. The app also helps you keep track of what you’ve bought, what you still need to pick up and adds them all back onto a list for your next shop. It’s received over 150,000 five-star reviews, so it’s worth a download. Find out more here. To check out even more ways to save money on your food via your phone visit: https://www.oddbox.co.uk/blog/7-apps-that-are-helping-reduce-food-waste
- Love Food Hate Waste - Sometimes it can be challenging going into a supermarket to buy exactly what you need. Sometimes we buy too much food and can be left with too much waste. Love Food Hate Waste has come up with a fantastic solution for this, their ‘everyday portion planner’. This simple planner will help you buy just what you need and even assist you with the prep, cooking and serving amounts. Start planning your meals better by visiting: https://www.lovefoodhatewaste.com/portion-planner
For even more tips on how to save on the costs of putting food on the table, visit: https://www.orbitcustomerhub.org.uk/news/articles/put-food-on-the-table/