We’ve got some great top tips to help you get your loved one connected, so that together, we can make sure everyone feels comfortable, safe and connected in the digital world. Get Online Week will feature hundreds of events across the UK. Find out if there is an event happening near you here.
Staying connected with loved ones is easier with the internet. Whether it’s showing a parent how to make video calls, helping a grandparent set up an email or guiding a friend on social media, these tips can be a great starting point to help your family and friends get online:
- Help them get access to the internet: Make sure your loved one has internet access. If not, you can help them find a good deal by looking at offers from various providers. If they’re on certain benefits, they may qualify for a discounted rate, called a ‘social tariff’ – you can find out more here.
We may be able to help too. Through our Better Days partnership with Good Things Foundation, we’re offering free data SIM cards and vouchers to customers who don’t already have internet access and would like to. You can learn more here.
Top tip: If the person you’re helping already has a mobile phone plan, they might be able to get a great deal on broadband from the same provider, it’s always worth checking!
- Choose the right device: Help them decide what device suits them best. Tablets are great for browsing and watching videos, while laptops are better for writing and chatting. Holding a tablet for long periods of time may be tiring and uncomfortable. Consider getting a stand for a tablet to make it more comfortable.
- Stay safe online: Always buy devices from trusted shops like Currys and Argos, and don’t forget to get online security software.
Top tip: Most retailers will offer online security software at a discount as part of an overall package.
- Help them get started: Setting up a device can be tricky. Help them connect to the internet, set up an email or create social media profiles. A shared online calendar can help you keep track of important dates together.
- Guide them in searching online: Show them how to use search engines and find websites related to their interests. It can make their time online more enjoyable.
- Encourage practice: Using the internet every day will help them get comfortable with it. With practice, they’ll become confident in no time.
We’re here to support you and your loved ones with your wellbeing and to help you stay digitally connected. If you need any assistance or advice, please reach out to us today. Find out more on our Better Days myDigital webpage.
Let’s help everyone get online, one step at a time.