He started misusing alcohol as it was just ‘something to do’ and soon it became his way of life. In 2019, he was arrested because of his drinking and met a mental health nurse through the custody health care team. Once released, he met with her to get help as he wanted to change the direction of his life. Kieran had also been living with an ex-partner and when the relationship broke down, his mental health took a turn for the worse.
We offered Kieran a flat of his own through the PHaSE (Positive Housing and Safe Environments) programme, which helps people to rebuild their lives in a scheme where they are safe and supported 24/7.
In partnership with Bridge, a Substance Misuse Programme recovery service, we continued to support him to get his life back on track as he’d never had a home of his own before. He’s now sober, getting married to the love of his life and is happy and excited for his future.
In order to be considered for one of these adult-only properties, Kieran agreed to the following criteria:
- He can live in a PHaSE* flat for up to two years, with an expectation that he will move into independent accommodation at the end of the two years
- Kieran needed to be recovering from substance misuse – drugs or alcohol, showing motivation and a commitment to maintaining/reaching a substance-free lifestyle
- He needed to be receiving or have successfully completed intervention from a treatment service and engaged with the Bridge Substance Misuse Programme recovery service
- He committed to taking part in education, volunteering or training towards employment, or indeed gaining employment
- He must keep to the terms of his tenancy agreement.
As a PHaSE resident, he had the opportunity to show that he is a ‘good tenant’. He was able to build a tenancy CV which will help increase his opportunities to move into an independent home of his own.
*PHaSE is funded and monitored by Northamptonshire County Council.